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Monday, 16 Mar 2009

Reminder! Every school needs a subscriber to Board news

Updated: nearly 1000 additional new email subscribers have signed up for Board of Studies news alerts in the past month. They are now confident they won't miss important news and notices on the Board's website - are you? Syllabus amendments, text lists, exam and assessment changes, new services and support materials - all are published first online here on the Board's website. The best way to be sure you miss nothing is to subscribe to the Board's email news alerts - see the box to the right of this article. Email alerts are simple, they're free, and they won't overload your inbox. It works like this: overnight the alert service checks for new articles published on the Board's website and compiles a single, simple email with direct links to any new items. Very early the next morning, usually around 4.00am, the email is sent to all subscribers. The message will be waiting for you when you are ready to read it. It takes very little time to open the email, check the links and see if anything is of interest to you or your colleagues. You will never get more than one email alert from the Board per day, and it will often be less than that. You can cut down your emails even more by only subscribing to Official Notice alerts (see the box at right). Official Notices are about important Board rules, procedures and syllabus changes. The last Board Bulletin for 2008 reminded schools that from 2009 Official Notices are only published online. It is very important to have at least one email subscriber in each NSW school who can check for Official Notices and other important information from the Board. International schools offering the NSW curriculum should also ensure at least one person is subscribed to the email alert service. As well as the email service, you can get Board news updates at-a-glance by grabbing the Board's RSS feed for your favourite News Reader (see the RSS icons to the right of this article). Read more about the Board's RSS feed. And if you like your news in quick, short bites and want to see BOS news as it happens, we'll give it to you in Tweets on! Join the principals and teachers who are already following NewsAtBOS Questions?