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Friday, 13 Feb 2015

Handwriting is a necessary pursuit

Teaching handwriting continues to occupy an important place in the new NSW English K-10 Syllabus.

Writing by hand is an essential skill for supporting learning. Through the physical act of writing, children learn about letters, their shapes and sounds. The act of writing has clear links to enhanced, lifelong learning and memory retention across all learning areas. Reading, saying and writing is part of a trilogy of strategies and expectations that are used when teaching the development of literacy skills.

Handwriting provides benefits beyond communicating and expressing thought. The teaching of handwriting develops in children fine motor skills that they use throughout their lives. It also develops what is termed proprioception (the ability to control minute pressure and fine muscle contractions in the hand). This enhances body awareness and muscle control and it is this skill that enables users of digital technologies to control touch and apply fine soft movements.

The act of learning to write promotes patience, perseverance and skill. The writing itself can also be viewed as an art form.

In 21st century classrooms, children need to be exposed to both handwriting skills and using digital technologies as set out in the Syllabus for English K-6. Students continue to use the written word in and beyond the school. It remains a vital and significant skill and means of communication across all societies throughout the world.

For more information, contact:
Peter Lee
Primary Education Board Inspector

(02) 9367 8191